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Project 3

My intended audience for project 3 could be a person that is potentially looking to join the College Republicans.

Working text

The working text I am analyzing for my community are the campaign posters and things that have the same function within my community....

Sources relating to community

A source I found was written by Marc Levin. This influenced my thinking by providing a conservative stance on prison reform that I never...

Research Question- Inquiry project

What important texts exist in the Republican club am I drawn toward, what genres do they belong to, and how are they functioning within...

More analyzing (Ikea commercial)

Lady places lamp by trash- context It starts raining- adds drama It shows the lady using the new lamp- adds emotion This connects people...


I was asked to analyze batman the Dark Knight in my Junior year of high school. I described it as an epic hero because he got to that...


Bias is favoring one's own side because they simply prefer it over anything else. bias can be dangerous and is in things like the media....

Inquiry progress

I question whether or not I'll be able to reach them.

My community

I feel drawn to the college republicans of fsu. I will contact them through email and through the phone. Working text in this community...

The best story teller

The best story teller I know is Joe Rogan because he incorporates tons of comedy while still maintaining storyline

Miss America

"I was Once Miss America" is in the informative genre but more specifically a personal personal narrative.

The Best Thing I've Ever Read

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone. It transported me from 5th grade to Hogwarts for crying out loud!

The Best Thing I Ever Wrote

An I love you text to my Mom and Dad. nothing can compare to the meaning of those three words.

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